Monday, June 25, 2018

The Golden Compass, Suppressed by Design

I watched the Golden compass, a movie that was made 11 years ago in 2007, and was intrigued by the blue plasma globes that ran all their carriages, airships, etc. The story line, for those who haven’t seen the movie, is about a man who at first is said to be the uncle of a little girl that catches the interest of a governing body called the Magisterium, that has the aim to destroy all free will in that alternative reality, and seeks to bridge universes to do that to all realities. This is kind of a kinder, gentler evil empire unlike the one in Star Wars, but still an evil empire when it really comes down to it. There are other things going on, like experimenting on children (AKA MK Ultra on this side), and trying to kill the man who is trying to make the bridge between the universes. He wants to learn from them, and the Magisterium wants to conquer and control them….big difference!

The little girl, Lyra Belacqua, has the golden compass that has what they were calling dust swirling inside of it. The “dust” interpenetrates universes, and in M theory two things do that: virtual particles and gravity. This is really heavy stuff for a children’s movie, not pun intended, but I couldn’t have simplified it and made it as understandable as Philip Pullman did. One of the weirder aspects of the movie are the animal companions that represent the soul, and is in Wiccan a familiar. Each person has one, and without it one not only loses their soul, but their free will as well, and that is what the alternate reality doctor Mengelas are working on. Sound familiar? Actually, it makes you wonder if the Magisterium is another name for the Illuminati on this end, changing the names to protect the guilty.

The “official” story for not completing the trilogy was interference from the Catholic church, which makes no sense, as they blasted several other movies and artists, and that didn’t make any difference, the most notable one being The Matrix trilogy. However, let’s detail the items that could derail and censor the project:

  1. A world running on free energy. That’s a big no no, and has killed a lot of motion picture projects, and put the rest into obscurity with negative reviews, which this one also had. Has no one thought of the reviewers getting paid off? Really? Don’t believe the rot inside Rotten Tomatoes. Another movie that was suppressed, but was actually made a trilogy of, is called “Atlas Shrugged.” Why is this? It features an atmospheric electricity generator, which is free energy, and inventors that bail out of society to form their own breakaway community. Check it out. Last I checked, it was still available online.
  2. A Magisterium, that is pretty much a governing body that decides what is right for humanity, but is internally corrupt, and metastasized into something that instead of protecting them, controls them quite rigidly. Deja Vu anyone?
  3. Child experimentation in mind control, supported by the Magisterium above. They explain that missing children are lab rats for the Magisterium. If they came right out and claimed that in real life in this universe, no one would believe it. But removing this to a different universe and alternate reality somehow allows it to be believable. This is a common usage of storytellers through the ages to reach the masses, right down to the lowest common denominator.

So with all these reasons, it was the perfect storm to induce an apoplectic fit into the controllers, and turn public opinion against a good movie. To be sure, there have been movies that showed how public opinion is engineered, most notably “Wag the Dog”, that came out in 1997, before the Iraq war, and even though this was released within the 10 years of the event horizon of public amnesia, that war still happened even though it showed in painful detail how a war was manufactured to divert attention from real issues.

So is there any hope? Sure there is. We each need to exercise our option of free will, and use a filter of our own common sense. There are so many out there that have abdicated their free will, and allowed all that wisdom buried deep within their soul to become forgotten. It’s time to dig that up and become connected with all that you are and can become. Don’t let that spark go out, and instead fan the flame.

Yes, it takes an effort of will, and no one said it would be easy. It never is. Western civilization is not geared toward personal development. It is geared to controlling and chaining down individual will. It was always like that, and we have to open our eyes and recognize that fact. Once that is done, we can make a new concensus version of reality that allows for, and encourages individual creativity.

We can be our own golden compass.

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