Saturday, March 14, 2020

The One-Two Punch

Copyright 2020 Elizabeth Donavan

It’s been a while since I wrote for the blog. It takes more than a few minutes here and there to collect thoughts into a coherent whole, and put it down on whatever media one uses—be it paper, napkins, typing on a Smith Corona, or computer. Time is an element, as well as state of mind. If one has time, but is dead tired, then what comes out becomes a non-coherent ramble. I have seen this far too often in other writers, and I can see that they push themselves to write something before they fall asleep.

This is written in mid-day, and I took, or perhaps stole, time to do this. It’s important.

What has earth shaking import to do this? I am in Europe in March 2020, and witnessing the panic over the so-called corona virus. Some are making jokes about it, and others are freaking out in a panic and barricading themselves indoors. Yet others are saying that it will never affect them, and are going on their business as if it’s not out there. A more effective and mature approach is to acknowledge that it is out there, and what it can do. It’s like the same conscious approach one would have to a swarm of bees or wild animal.

The scientist in me wants to know what it is. So research is done in this vein (no pun intended, or maybe it is) and odd little snippets of facts are discovered. What follows is what filters through my skill set and knowledge base.

What do we know about this thing?

1) It has an odd set of properties as far as infection—it sometimes acts like a bacterium, and other times like a virus. Normal viruses do not do this.

2) It is both airborne, like a virus, and seems to hibernate in spore forms like a bacillus can do.

3) It seems to have two different periods of expiration outside the body, one short, like viruses, and another longer like a bacillus.

4) It gives some colds, and others pneumonia symptoms. In others it causes organ failure.

So what does this dual nature indicate? Two entities.

In November of last year, I felt compelled to read the book “The White Plague” by Frank Herbert. It was a chilling account of a man that took his revenge on the IRA by genetically engineering a plague by putting a virus inside of a bacteria that would be the delivery system. The bacteria was pneumococcal, one that normally causes pneumonia. The virus was inside the bacterium.

The reason it was so chilling to me was that it felt like I wasn’t the only one reading this, and someone else was doing this as well. Perhaps they were. It looks like this might have been the inspiration for whoever put this thing together. My background in biology and biochem, as well as health care made me take notice of this, and it looked far too plausible to merely dismiss as science fiction. Herbert back in 1983 talked to someone who knew about these things, and perhaps they shelved it at that time, much to our benefit.

But someone took it farther, and did it.

So let’s look at what we might be dealing with:

1) A bacterium normally associated with pneumonia, with one or quite possibly two viruses inside it, like a bus with many seats, bacteria are big and roomy, and have space for more than one virus.

Let’s go one step further. We know that this thing mutates like crazy. We, meaning those in the field of biology, know that if one places two viruses inside the same bacterium, it can conjugate the genetic material producing a hybrid of the two. So if one puts a rhino virus along with the corona virus inside the carrier, it then creates a third entity, with both properties.

Here’s what this does: If the immune system “sees” the bacterial infection, it places the priority on that instead of the virus, and when it tries to take care of the mutated versions, it places the body into a cytokine storm, and a lethal fever results. Also, the disease affecting the heart is important, as endocarditis is bacterial and not viral. That is a dead giveaway that this thing has a dual nature. The bacterial infections in the organs are not secondary, they are primary from the carrier. In “The White Plague” it was mentioned that antibiotics made it worse. Why is that? Antibiotics dissolve the cell wall of the bacterium carrying the viral components, and release them. So treating the bacterial infection begins the viral infection. This was also mentioned about the “covid-19”, as patients are getting re-infected after getting over the initial infection. If you already have antibodies circulating, it should not be a problem. So something goes into hiding, and comes back. How does it do that?

Bacteria can go into a spore form with a coating similar to the carapace of insects, which fools the immune system. Inside the spore the viruses hide away, including the mutated versions. When the bacteria “wake up” the viruses can be released if the patients are still on antibiotics, and the viral infection pops up. So we have a one-two punch.

Now, this can be horribly difficult to make a vaccine for. One would have to administer the antiviral vaccines first, and then afterwards treat the bacterial form. These would be in reverse of the delivery system. We want the immune system to recognize the viral forms before the carriers are destroyed that hide them to prevent the cytokine storm that would follow otherwise.

What else would we see? The bacterial would feed off of sugars, so we want to keep the glucose levels from going too high. Diabetics would be a high risk group, and hypoglycemics in a low one. Those that are sugar junkies, or consume processed foods loaded with sugars would also put themselves in a high risk for infection. Bacterial carriers would also like a low pH, so junk food junkies are in high risk, as are coffee drinkers and anything that would acidify the blood. Anything that would increase the porosity of the cell membranes would be bad as well. Leaky gut would be bad news, and a high risk as well.

Now for good news, at least for naturopaths: There are many essential oils that are bactericidal as well as viricidal, which is exactly what we would need. I don’t need to go into the application of these, as they already know that. They also know about colloidal silver as well. Treating the secondary infections can still be successful, and the patients will have to be quarantined during treatment. For the Rife practitioners: Treating the viral component first before the bacterial component would be needed. The viral component will need to be neutralized before they are released by “popping” the bacteria. More of a broad spectrum would be needed for broadcasting, as there are a large mutation population among the viral components. Ozone would be effective, as well as large density negative ion generators.

OK, now for the disclaimer: This does not constitute medical advice, so there. These are theories that have to be proven, and I would love to be right, but also have to realize that it might not be the case.

(Middle finger going up for those who made the virus, and promoting bio-warfare).