and Physics:
Divergence or Convergence?
Many years ago I
read “Mysticism and the New Physics” by Michael Talbot, and it
gave me a different perspective on the universe—it opened my mind
up a little bit to see other possibilities—that perhaps this solid
reality was less substantial than we thought. And as I read other
works that linked eastern philosophies with quantum physical
concepts, I began to see a convergence rather than a divergence.
The turning point
for me was reading the Kybalion, by the Three Initiates. It told
about the “all within the all”, a recursive concept if there ever
were one. It continued with “as above, so below”, and other
Hermetic concepts. It was as if I were in kindergarten all those
years, and then this dropped into my lap at just the right time. The
synchronicity was astounding. I was at a friend’s house and he came
over and handed me a sheaf of photocopied papers an inch thick. That
was the book. He said, “You need to read this...NOW! Something told
me to copy this for you. Take your time.” So I did. I put the sheaf
in a zip up bag that I had, and would read it whenever I could. It
resonated so strongly with me like so few books ever could. Later I
would read 2150 AD by Thea Alexander, and I noted some Hermetic
overtones in the Macro Philosophy.
After speaking with
some scientist-philosophers, one had an interesting take on the
subject. “What we perceive is dependent on our world view.
Philosophy is the scaffolding...the framework of that perception. It
limits us, but if our world view is large enough, then we see a
little bit farther than most, and can share that vision with those
that have the same level of comprehension.” I saw the truth in
I became just as
hungry for philosophy as science. It seemed to balance things, and
understood how they both would weave a tapestry of deeper perception.
So I went from electronic theory to Macro Philosophy, from quantum
physics to Theosophy, from the Many Worlds Hypothesis to I-Ching and
Hermetic Laws of manifestation. I saw links everywhere. The all
within the all was the same as the Mandlebrot theory of fractality,
and the fractal universe. It all seemed to be converging. In fact,
the Hermetic “all” was the same as Rupert Sheldrake’s
morphogenic field—a universal field of intelligence that permeates
everything—the same as the “force” in Star Wars. We lived in a
sea of intelligence, and matter itself was not dead, but alive. I
learned psychometry—the discipline that accessed the intelligence
field in matter, and could see images that were imprinted on car keys
and other items. They were memories of the owner, recorded for all
time. The Russians had a word for this science—energetics. In the
west it was called psychotronics, and it studied the interactions of
the standing longitudinal wave structures we call matter, and the
longitudinal, or traveling scalar waves that connect all matter in
the universe. Einstein called this “spooky action at a distance”
or quantum entanglement. It showed that using Bell’s Theorem, you
could prove this was a very real phenomenon. So we have another point
of convergence.
It explains so many
things—telepathy, voodoo, psychotronics, psychometry. They are all
caused by the same phenomena. We need to expand our awareness of the
physical world, and quantify how these different forces work together
to merge into the same cause. There is even new speculation on the
physics of consciousness itself, and what it means to be
self-conscious, or sentient, and self-aware.
At some point, I can
see real world devices that cross the boundaries, and are triggered
by the psi field directly, as in the PK switch in 2150 AD. We have
something called the SQD, or superconductive quantum detector that
can change state with single photons interacting with it. We also
have photomultiplier tubes that can do the same thing, and so
sensitive they can detect the ghost particle, the neutrino, that can
pass through a sheet of lead as thick as the earth before interacting
with matter, and detect it as it interacts with a single nucleus. So
we are nearly there. Also, there are circuits based upon living
matter, such as bacteria that can sense fluctuations in the
information field. Chris Bird in “The Secret Life of Plants”,
showed how this information field in all organisms connects in a kind
of internet of life, and can cause eruptions in the collective unconscious such as prophetic dreams. This information field not only
propagates forward in time, but backward as well to produce psychic
impressions. In his paper “Quantum Entanglement in Time” Martin
Jones showed how this information transfer could take place, and
explain such things as deja vu, prescience, and other psychic
phenomena. This takes the paranormal and makes it normal by
explaining how it works. It’s only spooky if you don’t understand
the mechanism. As Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any science
sufficiently advanced would be indistinguishable from magic”.
In that case, what
is magic anyway? It is a sympathetic resonance in the information
field. Take 2 tuning forks, and strike one to begin it vibrating.
Hold the other one close by, and it takes up that resonance, and
begins ringing on it’s own. The community called Damanhur
discovered this and called it selfics, and are using symbols that
have this sympathetic resonance to preserve food, as a way to
suppress bacterial growth, as well as other things. Think of the
symbols as the tuning forks for the information field. So now the
metaphysical concept of taking someone’s power by knowing their
name becomes significant. If they identify with their name, that is
their center of power. They resonate with that. This also means that
the magical practice of sigils takes on a new meaning. The same would
be true of photographs, as the photon pattern that made the photo is
entangled with the person in the photo. Now those superstitious
beliefs of some primitive tribes takes on a whole new significance,
as they believed that in taking their photo you were stealing their
soul. The same would apply to the taboo for graven images, as those
would have their own symbolic resonance.
But there are
positive aspects to all of this. Rupert Sheldrake mentioned that the
amplitude of the morphic field increases to the square of those that
have the same intention, and alike mind. This can explain the
hundredth monkey effect. How so? Take a look at a light bulb as
opposed to a laser. Both can have the same wattage, but the laser can
cut sheet steel. Why is that? Because the laser is coherent, and the
light coming from the bulb is not. One has a single frequency in a
single phase, in a narrow beam. The other is non coherent in phase
and frequency, and diverges. When people act together, their morphic
fields act in coherence, like the atoms in a laser. When they are all
going in separate directions, they are like the light bulb. Society
is like that. When the American Revolution took place, only 3% of the
population were for the separation from England, and the rest were
unconcerned. Let’s take a look how that works. If we have an
intentional community with a 100 people, it affects 10,000 in the
neighboring territory. 1000 affects 1,000,000 and so on. This means
that about 90,000 can offset the entire planet of 8 billion.
This really is the
only way real change takes place, with a small coherent minority
leading the way for the incoherent or noncoherent (perhaps I was
right the first time) majority. This is why a church full of people
can set the pattern for a whole community, or a small political
movement for a whole country. But for those that want to maintain the
status quo, the easiest thing to do is to keep people fighting
amongst themselves, as a non-coherent populace goes nowhere and is
not a threat to the elite. How do you do this? By killing or jailing
anyone that is remotely associated with leading a religious or
political movement, and promoting crime and corruption. Fear is a
control factor, and tends to disrupt coherent thought, and crime—the
fear of being robbed, raped or killed—is the best way of doing
that. Another way is the fear of being robbed, raped or killed by the
government, so totalitarian laws and edicts are another way of
preventing coherence among the masses that they consider to be the
enemy. But these diversionary tactics are symptoms that the powers
that are soon not to be are themselves afraid of change.
I had a great
conversation with a historian once, who considered himself an expert
on political history and tactics. It’s amazing what you learn when
you load them up on beer, and lend a sympathetic ear. It went like
“Do you want to
know a dirty little secret that people like me know?” He grabbed a
handful of peanuts and looked at them carefully, as if he was trying
to divine something from them.
“Sure. I like to
learn things from the past. Sometimes it prevents them from happening
again, or something like that.”
He laughed, and
looked at me oddly. “It has to do with terrorism...the real kind.”
“How many kinds
are there? Is it like close encounters by a UFO...4 kinds aren’t
He snorted. “I’m
serious. Real terrorism is all state sponsored...” He looked at me
I thought he was
beginning to treat me like an idiot. “Of course it is. Why wouldn’t
it be?”
He looked at me a
little pained. “No, you don’t get it. It is sponsored by the
state to terrorize their own people. Look at the Reichstag fire of
“They do it to gt
their own people to do something they wouldn’t normally do?” I
guess I looked surprised.
“Now you got it.
That is how it happens without exception. They got that little lesson
from the Mafia. You burn down the bar next to your target to shake
them down for protection money.”
“Pretty insidious
if you ask me...” I wrinkled my nose.
“Of course it is.
But it always works that way. Do you understand now why it has been a
secret all this time?”
“Yeah...yeah I can
see why. But why do they keep using the same playbook?”
“Because they
think the peasants are too stupid to catch on. That’s why.” He
fished around in the bowl of peanuts for something, and grabbed a
handful. Then after he looked at the floor for a while, he said, “I
gotta go. I said too much already. I’ll deny I said any of this
later, so don’t bother quoting me.”
He went out the door
without looking back. I think he was ashamed. At least I would like
to think so.
So we see how fear
can be used as a diversion. But if the peasants “wise up”, then
the game is over, and I think that we are close to that point. The
good news is that it doesn’t take all of them for this to happen,
as the hundredth monkey effect shows it only takes a small percentage
of people acting with coherent consciousness without fear to make
major changes.
The rule book that
has been used for 2000 years on this planet is about to become