Sunday, August 23, 2015

First Entry - The Link Between...

The Link Between…

E. Donavan

In this part of the blog I am going to go outside the box and look back towards the inside. As in the old adage, one sometimes cannot see the forest from the trees, or perhaps more accurately a fish in the sea is not aware of the water.

It takes a change of perspective to become aware of things. It is only through contrasts and differences that one can make comparisons—bright versus dark, wet versus dry. It is also true that to see our species through the eyes of another one can really understand our humanity.

So I will be peering beyond, and behind the looking glass. Hope you enjoy the journey…I know I will!

I was always fascinated with Rupert Sheldrake, and the morphogenic field. I could sense in a fundamental way that it was real, and wondered what the mechanism was. For many years science looked at a missing link between matter and energy until Einstein came along and showed that matter was in itself frozen energy—energy in a different form just as ice, water and steam are still H2O.

And then later, the quantum theory showed that matter itself is connected, just as energy can transfer information through sympathetic resonance. It was called quantum entanglement, and this can transfer information or resonant patterns instantaneously across the universe, and perhaps beyond the universe to parallel dimensions as in Everett/Wheeler’s Many Worlds Hypothesis. Is this what drives telepathy? Perhaps so! But it gets even stranger, as it is also possible to have quantum entanglement in time as well, as in a paper by Martin Jones. So this might be an explanation for Déjà vu and precognition. Have you ever had a head shattering echo in time occur, when you absolutely KNEW the next event, and decided to change it? Some religious fundamentalists think that to change events seen in precognition is blasphemous, and that they are cursed. I take a more practical approach—it is a survival tool that our species used to stay alive. It’s like having radar in time. The Russians know all about time reversal, and back propagation, and linked their psychic research into their physics long ago and used the theory of phase conjugation to explain much of this. Mr. Jones had the other key, but by contrast was suppressed and criticized for finding the same thing the Russians did.

How does this work? Let’s say another “you” on a parallel world line has a traumatic incident that generates a spike of morphic energy. A brick falls out of a lintel at 11:15, and clobbers you on the head. When this occurs, you link to your other self on the other world line in the past, and that self has a dream of a brick falling at 11:15—however, in this case you dodge the brick because you remember the dream.  In this world line you are not clobbered by the brick! This is similar to the movie with Nicholas Cage called “Next”. So the mechanism requires sacrifice, as one self survives at the cost of one that might not. But with an infinite number of world lines, some are expendable to the prime line that you are now experiencing. So in the infinite sea of consciousness we only briefly glimpse the others as they shout a warning to us, and in the act of doing so we survive.

So there is a quantum link to morphic or morphogenetic resonance. Is there one in matter? It turns out the answer is yes, and that goes back to another man who was ruthlessly suppressed by the name of Gaston Naessens, the discoverer of the somatid cycle. Gaston found particles in blood and water that could not be destroyed but carried information. This has paradigm shattering importance, as up to now no one has had a good explanation of how homeopathic dilutions could possibly work at infinitesimal concentrations of the substance. Yes, quantum effects can be a part of it, but there is a more fundamental link—and this could be the somatids. Also, there is the Robert Becker effect, where extremely small voltages are used to put a potential across bone breaks and accelerate healing. It turned out that it was the red blood cells that were de-differentiating and turning into stem cells, and then bone. This was also ignored. Why is that? Well there is one teeny tiny small problem here…red blood cells have no nucleus! In order to become stem cells, they have to grow a nucleus with all the associated DNA that supposedly contains the information to produce a bone cell. Now the materialists were screaming and jumping up and down saying that was impossible and could not happen, and so a man that should have received a Nobel Prize for his discovery was instead ignored.

Here is a possible mechanism: the jolt of electricity in the blood energizes the somatids similar to jump starting a car, who cluster around the red cells transferring biophotons and patterns to the cell and those patterns contain the information holographically to re-grow the DNA. So the nucleus forms and turns into a stem cell. What does this mean? It means that the somatids are transceivers for the biophoton field—a link between that field and the physical body. It’s not ONLY the DNA that contains information, but the DNA is the recorder, similar to a singer making an MP3 recording of her voice. The field is dynamic, but the recording is more static. Change and disease show up in the energy field first, the somatids second, and the physical body third. In this causative chain, we see that if you wanted to get at the root cause, you go to the holographic field that contains the information first. This is the basis for energy medicine.

In another point: there is a phenomenon that is ignored because there is no explanation: when blood plasma transfusions are done, sometimes the recipient absorbs the personality of the donor. The same has been seen for organ transplants. In one case, a man who received a heart from a biker who died suddenly developed a taste for beer and an interest in motorcycles. There is another instance where a woman received a large blood transfusion from another biker, and the same happened. Coincidence? Probably not--as neither knew about the donor until afterwards. More than likely it was due to co-mingling of the biophoton field and somatids that carried the information patterns of the donor. So now we need to be concerned with THREE factors when transplanting or transfusing:

1) The blood type,
2) The HLA (human leukocyte antigen) type, and
3) The somatid or biophoton compatibility

If the third is off, then we might have problems with mixing of two wildly incompatible energy patterns. I have no doubt that this is happening now, it’s just that it is being ignored.

OK—now for the clincher: Naessens took the somatid extract from a black rabbit and put it into a white one, and then the rabbit became gray, having both white and black hairs. He then took tissue samples from the black rabbit, which was not rejected by the white one, showing that it did not recognize the tissue as foreign. Also, when he crystallized the somatids, they formed a red crystalline material, that when light was shone though them, had a healing effect. I propose that the somatid crystal was producing coherent light that energizes both the biophoton field as well as the somatids! Experimenters have been using laser pumped crystals and have achieved astounding results in accelerated healing. What color where they using? Why red of course!  In my opinion, a better effect would be gained using phase conjugate crystals and the time reversal effect, but the fact that the researchers are getting positive results with the weaker laser pumped crystals shows that the somatid link theory has validity.

So we have another tool at our disposal, and once we have proof of the pudding through the testing of the theory, then perhaps a little bit of misery is subtracted from the human condition!

See you next time for another link!

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