Energy – The Big Picture
People ask me about
what alternative or free energy really means, and the shallow view is
that you just don’t have a yoke tying you to a utility company, and
the first thing that they think of is a freedom from the
responsibility of paying a utility company exorbitant fees. This only
scratches the surface, as what it really means is a complete
restructuring of the economy and society, which is why the powers
that be are so ruthless in it’s suppression.
The implementation
goes through these stages:
1) Suppression by
the powers that be who will lose out in its implementation.
2) Transitional
phase – where the powers suppressing the tech is eliminated,
probably through a revolution.
3) Reconstruction
phase – A broken and shattered society is slowly put back together
again. This takes a while.
4) Golden Age –
Similar to “Tomorrowland”. This is where the civilization is in
full bloom. If the elements that enslaved it are banished never to
return, then it can continue for thousands of years, spreading across
the galaxy, and possibly across time and dimensions, or parallel time
Will there be a
stage 5? Probably not, as the only way to go is down, and the
possibility of an invading force to do this is always a threat. If
another society discovers this one and it is not free, and is based
upon physical and spiritual enslavement is encountered, then it will
undermine the more advanced one to implement its agenda.
Stage 1:
This will happen for
an indefinite period. Free energy has been known in this society for
over 1000 years, and the suppression has been going on for at least
that long. There are also stories of alchemists that understood the
holographic and standing wave structures of matter, and turned
mercury into gold, which is relatively easy as they are nuclear
isomers, and have been ruthlessly hunted down. Today, according to
John Coleman, there has been discovered tens of thousands of tons of
gold in South Africa, and that is kept off the market to create an
artificial scarcity of the metal. The same is true for diamonds, and
De Beers has warehouses of tons of diamonds for this reason as well.
Even though we live in abundance, artificial scarcity creates
relative value, and that value in this fake economy is what enslaves
our minds.
But there are cracks
in the wall, and 3D printing started that. Not too long ago in the
US, a research group printed diamonds from carbon atoms steered with
electron beams. This was suddenly suppressed with a national security
edict, and the engineers slapped with a gag order. But some of the
engineers escaped the prison camp now called the USA, and brought
their knowledge with them. They released it to the world. The next
step was quantum scale 3D printing using quantum computing, the only
computer fast enough to implement that. The elite already have this,
and know it is possible. They also realize that it will absolutely
destroy the economy of debt slavery that we are yoked with, and that
is the reason for the suppression.
At this moment, we
are at the brink of the Transition Phase.
Stage 2:
What beings the
transition about? Knowledge! What it means is that people are
realizing that something is very, very wrong with our society, and
are waking up. They are realizing that Feudalism has been rebranded,
and we are still living under that. Governments are opportunistic
criminals that are thieving parasites at best, or mass murderers at
worst. Anarchy does not mean chaos, as we have that now. It means
living without a ruling elite class.
The Brush Fire
What we are looking
at is a global civil war developing. The people are discovering that
the financial system is totally fake using a worthless commodity. We
trade our life blood for paper, which is totally insane. It is a
pretty paper receipt, but made with the same stuff we wipe our asses
with. Actually, in a pinch the toilet paper has more usefulness. 90%
of the population of the planet are in poverty, another 9% in pseudo
wealth, and 1% own it all. The elite maintain this control through
the minions that live off the crumbs that are thrown their way, and
the psychopaths that love to torture and kill, and would still
torture and kill if they were not paid to do it. Those are their
not-so-human attack dogs.
You can only push
people so far—and they have reached their limit. They know who the
1% are, and their minions. The elite 1% live in fortresses guarded by
private armies with machine guns. But armies can be defeated, and
this is what they fear. So they enlist the corporate governments to
protect them as well as from the irate mob that wants to get rid of
them. The “gov” are hired mercenaries, and suck up to them for
fake wealth, but they are also the target of the ire of the people
they suppress. The more the gov squeezes the life out of the people,
the more they push back. There are natural limits to this, and it is
very close to that point. That point is where they have nothing to
lose, and then the revolution comes. So as long as their belly is
full of beer and nachos, they are fat and happy. But when they are
starving, and homeless, then that limit has been reached. A
significant percentage of the world’s population is there now.
Henry Kissenger has been quoted as saying that the population can be
controlled by controlling their food supply. He is wrong. Starvation
and deprivation causes revolutions, and psychopaths cannot make that
connection, and keep making the same mistakes over and over again.
They do not have the intuitive insight to understand this. That lack
of connection is what causes cycles of revolution on this planet.
Remove the psychopathic element--the will to cause suffering and
control, and the cycle ends. Enough understand this fact to implement
a solution, and break the cycle.
SO the transitional
stage is very bloody and warlike. People will die, and suffer
privation. But they will be dedicated to seeing a world for their
descendants that is very different from the one they were born into.
The governments will try to legislate out independence, and make
things like gardens and solar collectors illegal. Probably also
collecting rain water. But people will push back, and if pushed far
enough, then so called “terrorist” acts will take place on the
officials doing this. The gov will try to live in walled compounds to
protect them from the anger of the people they are suppressing and
beating down. However, that makes them a better target, as was seen
in the “Green Zone” of Iraq and Afghanistan. The gov will try to
tag the population with microchips and track able tattoos. Most will
disable those, and use their electronics against them as a back door
into their systems. All tech is a two edged sword, and they do not
understand that. The population, diluted with the insane psychopathic
element that betrays them to the elite, what is also called STS or
service to self, will turn on that element. There will be open season
on collaborators. With the dilution diminishing, the information
pipeline to the gov will shut off, and isolate them even more. They
will instigate even more false flags, and the insurgents will go
after those perpetrating the attacks. You cannot win a civil war
fought on the home turf, so the elite will be on the losing side.
Moles inside the defenses of the elite will sabotage their scorched
earth policy, and it will backfire on them.
People mired in
poverty will be sneaking in suppressed tech. At this point, all 3D
printing will be considered illegal, as you can print a gun just as
well as a tool for repairing something. The elite will panic, and
make machine shops as well as 3D printing punishable with indefinite
detention in a concentration camp. Farmers use their machine shops to
repair farm equipment, so this will result in a famine, the same as
what happened in soviet Russia with the same policy. This will result
in a further backlash. The US corporate gov will ask the UN for help.
Odd thing about the UN—it is incorporated underneath the corporate
US, and that makes it a subsidiary, and member nations stockholders
in the global empire. Ever wondered the reason for the crazy
decisions of the UN? Now you know.
A false flag will
try to blow up the UN building, as the member nations will be getting
a little too uppity for their own good, and they will try to inject
some fear to get them under control. That will backfire. The US will
make a deal to move the UN to Israel, and member nations will reject
that offer and demand it placed into a neutral territory such as
Iceland or Switzerland. The US will go ahead with their plan, and it
will cause a fracture, with a handful of nations scared to death of
being bombed going to the Israel UN, and the rest to the Planetary
League of Nations (PLN) in Iceland. They will try to cause another
false flag in Iceland to blow up THAT building, and it will result in
sanctions against the “Freedom League of Nations” (FLN) that will
cause even further complications. It stops just short of WWIII, and
economic collapse as the dollar ceases to be a reserve currency, and
the US and it’s minions are isolated and ostracized.
Meanwhile, hits are
going on as the black bag agencies of the US gov fracture, with one
faction opting for full disclosure and the other for complete control
under any cost. This is beginning now, but will escalate in the
future. As the chaos escalates, scientists and engineers form
enclaves to develop and preserve the technology. The first one is
simple, single-element atomic scale and quantum printing, and then
later standing wave structures much more difficult. Files are stored
using fractal compression—first 100:1 ratios, then 1000:1 and then
finally 1,000,000:1. Enclaves are protected both electronically as
well as psychically with remote viewers acting as sentries. They
place a perception filter around them to prevent interlopers from
interfering, also called a psychic seal. They crack the quantum
computing problem that has been hoarded by the elite, and then begin
to replicate first currency indistinguishable from the paper receipts
used and issued by the banks, and then diamonds, emeralds, and other
resources. Stable standing wave structures that create gold, platinum
and strategic metals are also done. Replicated food begins to become
available with bootleg replication machines in the 3rd
world, and the bankers are doing a slow burn over the whole thing.
There are about 100 machines in the world, and the number is growing.
Bank robbers are some of the main customers, as well as
revolutionaries that need funding. Researchers use replicated
resources to fund their operations as well. The mafia, Yakuza and
Triads are linked with the corporate governments, and try to
infiltrate the black markets to suppress the tech, which leads to the
MOB wars attacking organized crime joined at the hip with the
criminal governments. At this point the govs of the planet are losing
their iron grip, and try to consolidate their power bases, however
unsuccessfully their attempts may be. They begin to release
autonomous AI hunter killer drones, which turn on their own armies,
and this starts the drone wars, as they made them a little too
autonomous with 10 year power supplies. The inhabitants of the planet
finally realize that governments are the threat to the future
existence of the human species, and life in general. They realize
that a cooperative society is the only option for a peaceful future.
The psychopaths in the 1%, and their sociopath minions below them
refuse to relinquish control, and that begins the last stage.
The Last War
The elite know they
are fighting a losing battle, and dig in. Somehow, the general
population are getting resources despite all their attempts to
strangle their supply lines in the economy. This begins what has been
prophesied as the “War Against Good and Evil”, what some call
Armageddon. It is actually not that ominous, and the elite go
underground as well as off planet to escape retribution, taking their
stolen tech with them. This is similar to the movie “Elysium”.
Two or three of the bases are destroyed with missiles commandeered by
revolutionary forces, which causes the elite to dig in deeper and go
farther out for safety. Underground bunkers are sealed with thermite
charges, and the ventilation systems are targeted. This is not that
big a deal, as that means that everything is recycled. After a few
years, the elite begin to run out of stored food, and their nuke
generators get leaky. They turn to cannibalism. Those on the surface
in communication with them plead for relief, but they are refused.
They are left to their own devices.
Meanwhile, on the
surface, guerrilla warfare is being carried out with the minions that
do not believe they have been abandoned. It becomes a long, useless
and bloody war. Tens of thousands of replicators are in use, and some
are implemented for weapon production. The minions steal some of
these, and it prolongs the war. Finally, the minions are routed after
20 years of warfare, and the war crimes trials begin, lasting many
years. The elite are sentenced in absentia, along with the bankers
financing the wars. At this point, about 50% of the population are
using replication based products, and the old economy is dying out.
Jobs are scarce, but with replicated food, starvation is rare. Free
energy devices are becoming more popular, and few are dying from
hypothermia, with heating derived from the FE devices. Records of the
elite are exposed, and the planet is evolving into a different form
of governance to prevent the feudal state of the past from repeating
itself. Oil wells are shut down and capped, and nuclear reactors are
decommissioned over a 20-30 year period. A new tech is created based
on replicator/3D quantum printing, and nuclear contamination is
slowly being re mediated.
At first, due to the
vast number of the criminal elite, it is suggested that sending them
to a remote location would be desirable—that there has been enough
death and destruction, and doing the same to them that they have done
to the world would be emulating them, which was a disgusting thought.
SO discussions about places such as Australia and New Zealand are
discussed. All sovereign nations reject having a prison colony within
their boundaries, except for south Greenland, which was warm enough
to host a colony of 5 million—the minions and the worst of the
worst. Geothermal wells are drilled, as the psychopaths could not be
trusted with cold fusion or free energy tech, as it could be
weaponized. Those hiding in plain sight, moles for the elite are
slowly discovered, and sent to join their pals. All shipments coming
from and going to the colony are inspected. No tunnel boring tech is
left behind on the island for them to use and link with underground
bases. Remote viewers are employed to look in on them, and see if
they are planning a move to regain power.
For the first time
in centuries the planet is finally at peace.
Stage 3:
After a century of
destruction the world is ready for renewal. A cycle begins anew. Over
half the resources of the planet are dedicated to repairing the
damaged ecosystem to prevent any further extinction of species,
especially our own, and stabilize the wild climate fluctuations. The
last fission plants are decommissioned and cleaned up, and oil wells
sealed. A beach head in space is created, the original vision of
Gerard O’Neill in “The High Frontier” and solar power
satellites are beaming power to earth, and smelting plants in orbit
are processing ore from captured asteroids. On earth, replicator tech
is moving forward as well as a myriad of systems tapping the energy
of the vacuum. Crypto currency is used at first, because it cannot be
replicated. Gold and other precious metals are as cheap as any other
raw materials. Home recycling units break waste down into component
elements for use with gen 1 replicators, and garbage dumps are mined
for raw materials to rebuild civilization. Autonomous robots are
designed (with an off switch this time) to clean up the oceans. Large
scale 3D printing/replicating is used for construction of megalithic
structures that last millennia. With vast amounts of energy at their
disposal, local curvature of spacetime is easy, and faster than light
travel is achieved. On earth, a method of folding space to make two
platforms entangle with one another is found, and something very
similar to the Star Trek transporter is done. With proliferation of
gravity control, and the use of Nassikas coils and other tech,
roadways are rarely used. The ones still in existence are constructed
of massive blocks with a glazed glasslike surface requiring little to
no maintenance.
Central banks are a
thing of the past, and what are left of the bankers are in Greenland,
and set up their old system there right away perpetuating their hell
on earth once again. At least it was contained, and with their
death-based technology the population is diminishing. No replicator
tech is allowed there, and old factories are used to fabricate goods
that are monitored for possible military use. Of course, they pay
slave wages to their workers as they did in the old world. The colony
in Greenland is used as an example of what must never happen on earth
again, and is considered a national park.
There are other
changes to the economy other than the use of crypto currency. There
was one other thing that could not be replicated: human creativity.
Instead of suppressing the creative spirit, the new society (which
unknown to them was similar to very ancient ones) encouraged
creativity. The old pyramid with the uncreative, unimaginative
boneheads on the top, and the creative ones on the bottom was
up-ended. Imagination became a currency. In the old economy, those
that had raw materials were rich—material stuff. But with quantum
scale replication, resources were cheap, and the knowledge of what to
do with them was valuable. If all you had to do is key in what you
wanted, then that “thing” and the knowledge to make it had
extreme value. So inventors were now sought after, and artists and
sculptors were once again respected, and not looked down upon as
impractical dreamers as in the old economy. Instead of GMO
frankenfoods that were engineered for profit, the new “Designer
Foods” increased nutrition and diversity. It took more than a
decade to undo the damage of the old GMO system that was causing an
extinction level event in the plant and animal world due to
shortsightedness and stupidity. Extinct species were being
resurrected using the same tech, and the world was changing for the
But overall, the
question in the back of everyone’s mind was this: did the
consciousness of service-to-self (STS) have a place at all in the new
world? The consciousness of service to self and its associated greed
and selfishness was the beginning of what was called “The Big Rot”,
and a contraction rather than expansion of consciousness. It was also
the cause of every form of slavery due to the refusal to recognize
boundaries. Since I do not recognize you as a sovereign individual,
you are a thing and not a person, and therefore I can own you. It got
so bad in the 20th and 21st centuries that they
declared corporations as “persons” and then denied their own
people sovereignty. It was total insanity perpetrated by the STS
mentality and the socio and psychopaths. There were a few born into
the Greenland community that were service-to-others (STO) and they
were transferred out as soon as possible, as they did not have the
requisite skills to swim with the sharks who lived there. On the
other hand, there was also a small traffic of STS criminals going to
Greenland, having been found incorrigible. They had a bad habit of
stealing intellectual property, the only property left that was most
valuable. Other thefts had little effect, unless it was a one off,
and not scanned in. With quantum scale replication, insurance
policies were basically backup copies of things like works of art and
items of historic value. With proper compression, entire buildings
were backed up, and when a disaster occurred such as an earthquake or
other natural disaster, the building was zapped back into existence.
The same was true for people and animals, so hit men and cattle
rustlers were also obsolete. Personal property existed as more of an
abstract concept, but it was still respected as something with
intrinsic value, as well as emotional attachment. People had personal
property as a sovereign ideal—and it was respected once the STS
mentality was gone. Our bodies were our own as well—and boundaries
existed. It represented a step backward in time to a period where
life was sacred and discovery treasured, and a step forward to
prevent the decay from ever happening again.
The reconstruction
was amazingly rapid, and comprehensive. After 20 years a century of
progress took place, and mankind was headed toward the stars. They
found the holdouts of the elite there, and welcomed them back into
the fold if they abandoned their destructive ways and empire
building. Some cooperated, and some did not. Those that did not were
isolated to prevent the spread of the infection. Dimensional travel
was also discovered, and other timelines. Some were utopias, and
others wastelands. Some acted as ambassadors of good will to counsel
other societies that were stumbling in the dark towards a precipice.
Others were simply travelers that went to learn, and teach what they
have already learned to sympathetic ears—doctors to heal wounded
It became the
best of all possible worlds.
Stage 4: Golden
The new civilization
lasted for thousands of years in peace and prosperity. Far from
static, those who lived in it found always something new to learn,
and some would consider it home base when they became permanent
travelers. Yes, there were other civilizations that threatened their
existence from time to time, but it’s a funny thing about temporal
dynamics—those that become a real pain in the neck (or a danger to
the future of the universe) seemed just to disappear into their own
island universe where they could do no more harm. The next step for
the civilization was direct engineering of physical reality using
what they learned about temporal dynamics. It was so far advanced
that it would have appeared as magic to earlier times, as mentioned
by Arthur C. Clarke. Through direct manifestation, and understanding
the complexity of life, as humankind spread out, they took their
knowledge of this, and brought life to barren worlds. Thousands of
years later, they only were in a fraction of the galaxy but there was
no compulsion to spread out—no need for breathing room for an
exploding population. The growth in numbers were minuscule, and the
growth spiritually was that much greater. Humanity gained a different
perspective of it’s place in the universe as other cultures were
encountered. It was at first a humbling experience, and later a
maternal one as some sought help, and wisdom was imparted to get them
on a creative rather than a destructive track. The prime directive
was always observed, as no culture was contacted that would not be
beneficial to both parties involved. In some cases it was too late,
and they encountered dead worlds. All they could do is learn what
happened, and move on. In other cases, the native populations cried
out that their parasitic governments were killing them and their
world, and they were heard. Those that sought sanctuary were
transported to a safer location, and taught how to manage and
terraform their world to prepare it for future re-habitation. They
would be the “Wings Over the World” of H.G. Wells, bringing hope
back to their people.
Millions of years
later, historians would remark that the lynch pin was the two
technologies—free energy and quantum 3D printing. They would also
understand that other societies that allowed the parasitic elite
among them to prevent the implementation of these techs killed the
civilization and the planet for their orgy of control and
destruction. As Colin Wilson remarked, it is a parasite of the mind
that is the most insidious, not only holding both the individual and
society from evolving, but dooming them to extinction. As Carl Sagan
remarked, mankind is in a test, and if we fail that test then we die
in the cradle of humanity and never mature, moving out toward the
Collectively, in
each of our minds and souls, we know what path we need to take.
It is time to take
Commentary—Their World or Ours?
There has been
massive amounts of information on the different mindsets between the
socio and psychopathic and what is considered normal. Cleckley, in
the Mask of Sanity, was a seminal study of this. He showed how many
patients would emulate normal behavior as long as it was convenient,
and then when they determined the time is right, then the mask comes
off, and pounce on their victim mercilessly. No other species has a
predator class among them, but we do. Why is that? It is as if we are
two species mixed at the genetic level, and the other species’
dominant traits show up. In non-social species ruthlessness is a
survival trait, and they tend to be predators and hunters, not
forming large groups as aggression tends to tear larger groups apart
due to competition. In social or cooperative species, individual
aggression is not beneficial to the group, and is either suppressed
or eliminated through expulsion and banishment. So OUR predators on
top of us are not beneficial to a social structure whatsoever, and
keep up the illusion that their predation is to our benefit, going so
far as saying openly they “have to thin out the flock” using
wars, disease and famine to achieve this.
It is also important
to note that according to present knowledge, psychopathic or abnormal
tendencies exist in a spectrum with an arbitrary line between one and
the other. When you put the line at the extreme end, then their
numbers are small and seem unimportant, with serial killers and
violent offenders only listed. But if you include all those that
would be a detriment to society, then the line shifts, and we see
that instead of the 6-7 percent, it is much larger based on
geographic location. The critical level seems to be about 30-50%.
Above that the civilization is no longer sustainable as a socially
organized system. At this point in time, many places on this planet
are at unsustainable level of function, and this is why we see the
fabric unraveling. In The Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov, a
character named Harry Seldon invents psychohistory, which can predict
the rise and fall of civilizations. Right now all the elements for
this are here, and waiting to be assembled. I believe that the
predatory class are preventing this from happening, as they want to
remain in the shadows and out of the spotlight. If this develops, and
will have to be developed covertly, then a means to develop a
macroscopic barometer for civilizations can be produced, and we can
steer this one away from the impending waterfall. Many other authors
have independently arrived at the conclusion that the predatory
class, the socio-psychopaths, have developed this system, and know
that they are destroying the civilization that they parasitize. This
is why there is a massive push to develop underground bases and
off-world habitats—only for them, of course. They consider the host
to be expendable, not understanding we are supporting them. A
psychopath’s inability to make essential connections tends to be
their undoing. The infighting among the predators also keeps them
from organizing a truly horrific holocaust for their own benefit.
One Possible
In the Foundation
Series, Harry Seldon establishes the Foundation, a group that is
supposed to organize all the collected knowledge of human, and other
civilizations as a preparation for the collapse of civilization.
Asimov was prophetic in many ways, and what Harry Seldon says about
how the empire is doomed to collapse resonated with me in the present
time, even though it was written decades ago and projected thousands
of years into the future. Sci fi tells a cautionary tale separated in
time and space, an allegory at times. At other times, it is a truth
hidden behind a thin veil, and peering behind it takes very little
effort. I see behind the veil of the Foundation Series, and see that
truth. With billions rowing toward the waterfall, and a few thousand
rowing against it, it makes no sense to stay on the same boat.
It’s time go
get off that boat…
SO what we do is
plant a few nuclei of intentional communities, and make sure they are
viable using our knowledge. Some communities are visible, as the
Foundation was visible, and others are IN visible, as the Second
Foundation was in the books. They all have the same knowledge and
resources. When the visible communities are attacked, they
consolidate into the invisible ones and continue on. They effectively
disappear, and the work continues.
When the transition
phase happens, the predators will try and destroy the knowledge they
consider a threat. What they consider their golden age was the dark
ages for us. So we guard that knowledge until it can be re-inserted
into the new civilization that is developing. We do not threaten
them, but just wait for the old system to disintegrate. We are the
insurance policy for the survival of a real human civilization, not
the fake one we have now. Remote viewers have said that the next dark
age could last 2000 years. Doing this plan can reduce that number to
100 years or possibly less. I was using the 100-200 year figure in
the article above, and that is somewhat optimistic. But time is
fluid, and timelines branch out like trees, and it takes little
effort to switch branches to something far more positive.
I also have a more
detailed plan called Politics and Energy, which gets into the nitty
I know with all my
heart that this is workable and doable.
Thanks for reading
this far. Think about it...that is all I ask.